S4C: The first 25 years
International conference to mark the first 25 years of broadcasting by S4C (Welsh language television)
Date: 2-3 November 2007
Location: The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth
The Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies in association with the Wales Institute for Cultural and Communication Industries and the Mercator Centre for Minority Languages is hosting a two day international conference at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth to mark the 25th anniversary of the first broadcast by S4C, the Welsh language television channel, on 1st November 1982.
The Conference aims to analyse significant events and scrutinise major decisions taken in the trajectory of S4C from the legendary broadcasting campaign right through to the channel’s vision of its future role and position in the market-led, post-analogue, multi-platform world.
In addition to academic papers and presentations, keynote speeches and panel discussion, the Conference will hold a number of unique witness sessions during which key figures will be interviewed in depth on the subject of their role in the creation / development of S4C.
While the focus of this Conference is firmly on S4C as a Welsh language broadcaster, its position as the first dedicated minority language channel will be addressed through the comparative international context.
Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to:
The emergence of S4C as a cultural, economic and linguistic force in Wales
The relationship between S4C and other broadcasters in Wales and the UK
S4C as pioneer of minority language broadcasting
S4C as multi-platform content disseminator
S4C and cultural vitality in Wales
Commissioning and programming
Audiences, citizens and consumers
Contact: For further information regarding the conference please contact us on mercator@aber.ac.uk or call us on +44 (0)1970 62 1982
Minority Language Media In The European Union
Mercator's main goal is to gather, store, analyse and distribute information through a documentation and information network for regional and minority languages in the European Union.
Mercator Media is one of the three research and documentation centres in the Mercator network. Mercator was founded as an initiative of the European Commission in 1987 to meet the growing interest in various aspects of minority and regional languages and the increasing need of the language communities to exchange experiences and cooperate in a European context. Through Mercator it has become possible to improve the accessibility and exchange of information of minority and regional languages in a more systematic way.
Conference Notice "S4C: The First 25 Years"
Deuddydd llawn o ddadansoddi datblygiad S4C drwy sesiynau tyst a chyfweliadau gyda ffigurau blaenllaw yn y diwydiant darlledu o’r cychwyn cyntaf hyd heddiw.
Cinio’r Gynhadledd yng nghwmni Prif Weithredwr S4C, Iona Jones.
Ymysg y siaradwyr bydd: Euryn Ogwen Williams, Geraint Stanley Jones, Huw Jones, Gwilym Owen, Geraint Talfan Davies, Rhodri Glyn Thomas...
I weld y rhaglen ac i gofrestru ewch i http://www.aber.ac.uk/mercator/cy/s4c25
Sesiynau yn cynnwys:
- Darlledu yn y Gymraeg cyn creu S4C
- Sefydlu Sianel
- Archifo’r Sianel
- Agweddau ar S4C
- Y Gymhariaeth Ryngwladol
- Mater yr Iaith
- Hunaniaeth y Sianel
- O bedair sianel i bedwar cant: S4C rhwng 1994 a 2005
- Yr Annibynnwyr
- Newyddion a Materion Cyfoes
- Gweledigaeth Ddramatig
- Y Berthynas Newydd - BBC ac S4C
Cynhadledd "S4C: Y Chwarter Canrif Cynta on FaceBook
For additional info please contact Dr. Mark Leslie Woods at mwoods[at]glam.ac.ukAIM -- ATRiuM Intelligent Media, Cardiff, Wales, U.K. on Face Book
Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries
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© 2007 Mark Leslie Woods
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