Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Cardiff ATRiuM: CCI and Intellect Launch International Journal 'Journal of Arts and Communities'

Journal of Arts and Communities

Principal Editor
Hamish Fyfe
University of Glamorgan

Associate Editors
Huw Champion
The Mailout Trust

Stephanie Knight

Reviews Editor
Jennie Hayes
University College Falmouth, Dartington Campus

Journal of Arts and Communities will be released in 2009.

[Pictured above: Head of Department for Drama & Music Mr Michael Carklin]

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The Journal of Arts and Communities seeks to provide a critical examination of the practices known as community or participatory arts, encompassing work which incorporates active creative collaboration between artists and people in a range of communities of place and interest.

The Journal of Arts and Communities

[Pictured above: Prof. Richard Hand]

Our colleague Prof. Richard Hand writes:

Dear All,

Colleagues will be delighted to learn that the inaugural issue of the Journal of Arts & Communities has appeared.

Prof Hamish Fyfe is Principal Editor of this international, peer-reviewed journal which is published by Intellect and housed within CCI.

[Pictured above: Prof Stephen Lacey]

Dr Márta Minier assisted in leading the Journal's first issue to fruition and the editorial board includes CCI colleagues Michael Carklin, Dr Rea Dennis and Prof Stephen Lacey.

[Pictured above: Dr Rea Dennis]

Warm congratulations to all involved.


Prof Richard J. Hand FRSA,
Professor of Theatre and Media Drama,
Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries,
University of Glamorgan,
The Atrium,
86-88 Adam Street,
Cardiff CF24 2FN Wales, UK.

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© 2009 Dr. Mark Leslie Woods